PETA wants Turkey to change its name (Video)
 PETA wants Turkey to change its name--Turkey, Texas - An animal rights group has made an unusual request to a Hall County town.

PETA wants Turkey, Texas to change its name to "Tofurky" for just one day.

If the town agrees to the name change on Thanksgiving Day, PETA will provide a vegan holiday feast. But everyone we talked with says no thanks to both offers.

It's a town named for the large number of wild turkeys in the area, which is why people living there couldn't believe their ears when they heard someone was asking them to change its name.

Laura Stewart says, "We don't want to change our name. It's been that way since my grandparents and great grandparents came here in 1892."

Dale Redd says, "There's a sign you will see at most rest stops that says don't mess with Texas. Our new saying is don't mess with Turkey, Texas."

PETA made the request yesterday in a letter to Mayor Pat Carson, in an effort to keep people from eating turkey on Thanksgiving and to promote awareness about the cruelty to these birds.

But the people in Turkey say changing the name wouldn't accomplish any of that.

Stewart explains, "We don't sit around killing all the turkeys. I don't see any point in it at all."

Carol Redd says, "They're just wanting a lot of attention in my opinion, and this was one way of getting it."

In this area Turkey is more than just a name, it's a way of life because these birds bring big business.

Dale Redd says, "Part of our living is made from hunters and turkey memorabilia because there are turkeys here."

The mayor couldn't visit with us on camera today, but he says the town's name will not be changing.

As for the incentive of getting a tofurky holiday dinner, this farming, ranching and hunting community says there's no way they're passing on the real thing this Thanksgiving.

Carol Redd says, "I would not ever want that. I would probably tell them to take it back."

Perhaps the biggest question today was why now, when the town has had the name for so long. But they don't plan to find out because the mayor says he will not be responding to this request at all.

PETA asks town of Turkey to change its name


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