Energy levels in need of a boost?

We all know that getting a good nights sleep, eating a balanced diet and taking regular exercise will help improve energy levels. However, there are many other things you can do to inject some vitality into your day.

Here's our top 10 energy boosting tips that will have you bouncing off the walls in no time!

Tip 1: Laugh out loud
Several studies have shown that laughter reduces stress and boosts energy. It's even suggested that you don't actually have to find anything funny. The act of having a good belly laugh or a cheeky chuckle is enough in itself.

Tip 2: Go Green
A study by Washington Sate University found that workers with plants on their desk felt 10% more attentive after just one day.

Tip 3: Get some Sun
Better yet, get some sun and socialize at the same time. Humans are social animals, and we need regular socializing to keep ourselves in peak health and energy. In addition, natural light boosts energy levels. So why not go for a walk with a friend or enjoy a social game of tennis or golf.

Tip 4: Sniff some Citrus
Citrus scents (like orange, lemon and lime) stimulate altertness.

Tip 5: Stretch
Regular stretching does more than keep your muscles and tendons in a healthy state; it also keeps the brain's arteries open and unclogged. Maintaining a free flow of oxygenated blood to our vital organ is an excellent way to create more vigor in your life.

Tip 6: Plan a holiday
Consistently having things to look forward to is a great way to increase energy and vitality over the long haul.

Tip 7: Try to go to bed before 10pm
Sleeping from 1am to 9am is not thought to be as restorative as sleeping from 10pm to 6am. The reason why is because hormone secretion, body temperatrure, digestion, and other important restorative processes follow a 24 hour cycle linked to natural light exposure. The later in the evening we fall asleep and the later in the morning we wake up, the more out of sync our cycle becomes.

Tip 8: Make sure your diet is high in antioxidants
Especially berries that are blue, red, or purple. Berries contain anthocyanins, a powerful antioxidant that is thought to boost energy. The Acai Berry not only aids in Weight Management (weight loss also improves energy levels) but it also has one of the highest antioxidant levels of any fruit known.

Tip 9: Get on your toes
Roll up and down on your toes. This stimulates your circulatory system, which will deliver much-needed oxygen and fuel throughout your body. You’ll be more energized and sharper. Give it a go!

Tip 10: Consider supplementing with a multivitamin high in Vitamin B
B vitamins cover a range of bodily functions, but most B vitamins are involved in the process of converting blood sugar into usable energy. Thanks to nature, Abeeco's Bee Pollen and Supabee for Energy are naturally very high in B vitamins. A regular consumption of Bee Pollen can dramatically increase your energy levels and stamina. Also note that if you are under stress you will require more B vitamins in your diet than you would normally.


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