
cher Cher
Did u hear it? Wait ! RT @BarbaraRMorgan: @cher Cher I really do not like this at all. Your voice is awesome as usual but the song is

cher Cher
SEPTEMBER RT @GagaInfectioN: @cher When r gonna release the greatest thing ? Can't wait !! Should be epic !

cher Cher
Just listened to the Stonebridge Remix of You Haven't Seen the Last of Me cher.com/index4.html via @cher

cher Cher
RT @orangeandsugar: @Treekillerplease help me explain cher how angry it makes me feel when she tweets a . Thanks

cher Cher
I can get behind that ! RT @FallonStone: @cher best art is born thru tears.. don't understand everyones adversion to crying/sadness.

cher Cher
Dude get ur drunk ass in lineRT @jeffpechmann: I'm glad C doesn't follow me, cause I'd feel weird realizing she noticed my drunk ass

cher Cher
RT @FelixDCat: @cher I am so sad. Lost my mom a year ago today. Im still lost from the loss. :(

cher Cher
twitpic.com/66d7hj twitpic.com/66d7lg this is what I did as kid ! Oh Make-up !

cher Cher

cher Cher
If thats ruffle around neck !RT @Ali_cat_9: @cher was this ever a shirt you owned twitpic.com/65q7y7

cher Cher
! Gay men have never left me, even when it wasnt COOL 2 like me !RT @superpopyael:I don't your feelings about being gay, tell me ?

cher Cher
Mom gets her Own ! More news bout mom 2 come !RT @dumbofan21: @cher Will you be putting your duet with your mom on your new album, Cher?

cher Cher
Faster tell u ones that weren't ! Bob Dole was a gentleman with me ! RT @Tequiladaniels:who is biggest asshole republican u met ! All tbags

cher Cher
NO!!! JUST JUMPED OUT !!RT @Kinseykaz: @cher OOO r we allowed to swear on twitter? That changes everything!

cher Cher
U doubt my Voracity Gurl? RT @Christina_H08: @cher If you really did work with Lady Gaga I'm SUPER excited!!!

cher Cher
RT @Monica_Jean_J: @cher Im a big fan Im 10 years old and Love your music I Listen and sing along all the time! ♥

cher Cher
I Adore the silly bitch RT @TruckerGitty: @kathygriffin Kathy's great!on Lance Bass 2nite. said how much she enjoyed visiting with u.

cher Cher
Thanx Pal !you're going to bed w/o your Lovely 2nite..&& no drink of water & no light on RT @patykatkitkat: LOL you'll figure it Out! ☺

cher Cher
Love these but How 2 get again?RT @KDOLLTWEETTWEET: ☻ ✡ ★ ☆ ⋆ ✩ ✮ ✯ ✰ ❇ ❈ ❅ ❄ ☼ ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☄♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭♯☩ ☨ ☦ ✙ ✚ ✛ ✜ ✝ ✞ ✠❀ ✿ ❁ ✾✈ ✂ ✄ ✓ ☮ ✌ ☯ ☠

cher Cher
Lauraaliee Darling its Quality ! Bwahaha RT @LauraaLieee: @cher darling , @kathygriffin is twitter queen she has a million followers

cher Cher
Cant remember ? Thats what happens when u have a 40 something career ? RT @cypressxie: @cher what's the song melody about?

cher Cher
Ok just when i was think'n Im Ms. Badass mfkn twitter queen I don't Get this RT @VEGANSTARR: #TwitterKeys. Twitter keys. copy and paste.

cher Cher
Ooooh ! Can u guys tell me where u get ur sparley thingsRT @kkspice117: ☻/ღ˚ •。* ♥ ˚ ˚✰˚ ˛ 。 ღ˛°。* °♥ ˚ • .ღ /▌*˛˚ღsprinkling a little Love

cher Cher
U guys r So Creative ! Oh fkd up your pic!RT @Mariann3liza: @cher ❀ ✿ ❁ ✾ I want to know╔♫═╗╔╗ ♥ ╚╗╔╝║║♫═╦╦╦╔╗ ╔╝╚╗♫╚╣║║║║╔╣ ╚═♫╝╚═╩═╩♫╩═╝

cher Cher
R U Trip'n ? U know the answer 2 that ?? little devil ! Xxxme RT @tippin_it: I wonder if @cher would get pissed if i called her MA'AM?!

cher Cher
U MUST b trip'n u Know how i feel about Ma'am lovely RT @tippin_it: I wonder if @cher would get pissed if i called her MA'AM?!

cher Cher
Very Fkn Funny RT @GABYlovelyBITCH: Seriously WTF is wrong with @Cher !?? WAKE UP VAMPIRE!!! #SunisOut #ANightOwl

cher Cher
RT @Violet_Delancey: @cher how do you know when someone is a new lovely not an old? D o you know what I am?

cher Cher
You have little Faith huh RT @StevieKIsHere: @cher] "don't think I need a drag queen to define normal behavior. But the look, is flawless."

cher Cher
Hey! Still me some Hanky panky'sRT @GABYlovelyBITCH: LOL She Used to Tweet about HANKY PANKY & all that kind of stuff!! I was like WTF!

cher Cher
Ok! Last 1 after Last 1 ! RT @badlenoir: @cher hi, im from brazil, and im 18. Cher i love u so much! ure the one of the greatest artists


cher Cher
B careful B brave B kind Believe! RT @Julie_love_CHER: @cher Best advice for a young kid going out into the real world for the first time?

cher Cher
SHIT YEAH ! u Never 4get your friends RT @glittercraze: @cher is on a role tonight!! :-) I hope you remember the Gays still love you.

cher Cher
RT @JonsMaineMan: So tired but my DIVA @cher has started tweeting again maybe tonight is the night fingers crossed

cher Cher
kick its ass ! Rock it !RT @SamanthaLynne01: @LittleMonsterKY @cher I'm afraid of English 231. 102 kicked my freakin butt.

cher Cher
RT @MiljanaMily: @cher wish that you could someday come in Belgrade! ♥ :)

cher Cher
Why + ? RT @ErinsMovies: @cher How do u feel re drug test? I "may" test +, had to pass on job at Boeing. In this economy, is that ok? NO!

cher Cher
RT @yesisaidit4 any pic will do. http://twitpic.com/649r2u just sent this maybe u missed it !

cher Cher
God i hope this is right ? Why? RT @chichistarr73: I wanted 2 c her when she was Biloxi but I never leave my house.

cher Cher
God What a Nite ! 6 girls ! hysterical ! Talked Guys! Cake ,how I suck at twitter ! Kathleen"u Suck"guys again! http://twitpic.com/649r2u

cher Cher
God @Kathygriffin Just walked her 2 door! Said bitch this is Cone of Silence time ! She said cone of silence my tiny ass ! Oh! fk!

cher Cher
Btw, duet w @Ladygaga is SO great. Know u guys'll like it. It's called #thegreatestthing. Can u handle it???

cher Cher
Hey @ladygaga sittn w @Kathygriffin she wants 2 no if u did the vocal yet ?

cher Cher
Sittin here W @Kathygriffin she has 1 mil followers & I don't ! Its Gotta hurt ! Our toes ! http://twitpic.com/649bw7




cher Cher
BECAUSE ..God Loves u ? This is your Lucky Day? You've won the metaphysical Lottery ? Welcome @rickdawg00


cher Cher
I Luv Him! Every nite 4 two tours when I did Runner (stage2bus) I'd say "God r u STILL my Busdriver" he'll do New tour 2 @Jakescafe

cher Cher
Didn't mean old like OLD! Its all good ! C even I don't understand ME sometimes Bwahaha ! @MissBlue_Eyes32

cher Cher
OH GOD LET'S NOT ! I'm Not Sure?! It's Fkn HARD ! & have 2 BIG Fears 1st.loneliness on rd. & will it b as GOOD @cypressxie

cher Cher
find something new 2 love ! Hobby Man ( well almost the same thing) if u luv a thing like I luv TCM ! join a group alone NG !@janetg0810

cher Cher
Thats MY KATHLEEN! She's Almost Polite compared 2 my sister & Rodkin! The Other Ladies R Ladies!!! &&& Then There's ME ! @GoodRadar

cher Cher
It was bout my SoreThroat & girl Party (&me as constant no-show )with 6 girls & Kathleen& cake &"Take that u Bitches" @seancattouse


cher Cher
I truly don't understand how to do better. Kathleen is coming wed ! She will help ! @KnoelAngel64

cher Cher
,I was fine! Z got upset woke me up. I thought I'd help chicks pick up$$ she got more t's! I sell swag 2 but I'm o.k. With it. @seann_lane


cher Cher
good idea ! Oh GOD txt JUST CAME IN from Kathleen !! ONE CAN ONLY IMAGINE !! @LeveragePanda

cher Cher
I cracked myself up so much ! Sometimes I think I'm funny !Bwaahaha @cher @Matt_420_69

cher Cher
oh fk u ! Idon't have time 4 your nonsense! Is that 2 Vague 4 your ass ! u"An ole HAG"bwahaha @Matt_420_69

cher Cher
I don't know how my tweets can help u, but we must try'n Help When it's within our power ! @thekatbrooks


cher Cher
Because THEY R SPECIAL 2 ME! I'm Sery Sad 4 Them .. They SHOULD B FREE ! ITS A----SIN ! @Ali_cat_9

cher Cher
No it's NOT!Not here! Lovelies lovely ! Sometimes people say things that show they hurt & canpiss me off 4 sec. @StephenHelbing


cher Cher
God what a perfect Day!! It was like a Dream! Also I didn't think anyone in Mexico knew me! Surprise ! @GABYlovelyBITCH

cher Cher
almost ALL r GREAT! We go through changes, somtimes hilarious , sometimes suffering or just chatty! @FallonStone @kathygriffin

cher Cher
its stupid 4 me 2 RESPOND 2 u, BUT Kathleen Is My FRIEND ! You're not Welcome here ! @Upullit @kathygriffin

cher Cher
Watched U on Piers Morgqn today,U R SO FKN HILARIOUS KATHLEEN ! !!@kathygriffin

cher Cher
Ok sit DOWN 4 This..... R U Sitting ? Zimmerman just walked in wearing this! http://twitpic.com/625qkq

cher Cher
GAGA TINA PINK KATHLEEN There R More But Can't Think right Now @ilovestevienx



cher Cher
Michelle ( Heartless Bitch) Bachman WON'T Sign Anti-bullying law Cause She Doesn't want 2 "turn boys in2 girls" WTF ?@ChrisLarson82


cher Cher
u have no Idea Gave last$$ 2open hosp.vet amputees,upgraded helmets Iraq/afghan built school,feed child's in Africa! Thats only3 @Jacobrob2

cher Cher
That's No Man! she's mighty Rachel! she's 4got'n more than most other TV Journalists ever knew! she's involved in her show !@TheMeanScene

cher Cher
@TheMeanSceneThats No Man! Thats The"Mighty Rachel"She's 4-gotten More than Most of those So Called tv journalists ! Smart Biatch

cher Cher
Me 'n Big watching Rachel http://twitpic.com/61lii7 Or not http://twitpic.com/61lit9


cher Cher
What kind of Dog is he ? Do u have any pics ? Pls know This above my pay grade ! @ccurfuffle

cher Cher
Mr big waking up ! I took & colored pic! http://twitpic.com/61hmxi Named him after Chris !
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