Rogue JetBlue flight attendant hailed as working-class hero
 Steven Slater's Monday probably started off no different than yours or mine. He might have hit snooze once or twice on his alarm clock before crawling out of bed. He probably had a cup of coffee on his way to work. In other words, to the outsider, Slater's life probably appeared painfully ordinary.But the way Steven Slater's Monday finished was anything but ordinary. In fact, Slater's Monday turned into something out of a John Waters film, what with a public profanity-laced tirade and an escape down a slide onto the airport tarmac.He is now, for better or for worse, THE JetBlue flight attendant, with the now-infamous tarmac incident
dominating the list of top Yahoo! searches. (Among the variations: "jet blue flight attendant," up 9,175% in one day; "steven slater jet blue"; and "fed up attendant jet blue.") And the term "JetBlue flight attendant" is still the top search term on Twitter as of this writing at noon Eastern the day after the fact, not to mention the outpouring of support he's received on Facebook.

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