Presidential Proclamation Military Spouse Appreciation Day 

Military spouses serve as steady and supportive partners to the heroes in uniform who protect and defend our great Nation every day. Across America and around the world, military spouses serve our country in their own special way, helping families and friends through the stress of a deployment, caring for our wounded warriors, and supporting each other when a loved one has made the ultimate sacrifice.

Our service members and their families seldom ask for support or recognition. They carry out their duties to family and country with the quiet courage and strength that has always exemplified the American spirit. On Military Spouse Appreciation Day, we have an opportunity to not only honor the husbands and wives of our service members, but also thank them by actively expressing our gratitude in both word and deed.When a member of our Armed Forces is deployed, an entire family is called to serve.  The readiness of our troops depends on the readiness of our military families, as millions of parents, children, and loved ones sacrifice as well.  This means supporting our military spouses is also a national security imperative.  Earlier this year, my Administration released the report on military families, Strengthening our Military Families:  Meeting America's Commitment, which marshaled resources from across our Government to identify new opportunities to support these patriots.
 Those who are keeping the home fires burning for their spouses who are serving overseas will tell you: it's a tough job. The first lady recently launched a campaign for military families, and on May 6, 2011 we celebrate Military Spouses Day. 

Military Spouse of the Year, Lori Bell
Named 2010 Military Spouse of the Year, Lori Bell, started an online organization to help military spouses and families find support and resources. She and her husband both served the same military branch, and are stationed at a northern base with their two children.

Bianca Strzalkowski
This nominee for 2011 Military Spouse of the Year spends most of her time with volunteer work. Her husband serves in this military branch, and they are stationed here with their three children.

Megan Glynn
Knowing what it's like to be stationed overseas, this 2011 Military Spouse of the Year nominee  created an online company that sells baby products and specializes in delivery to military bases. Her husband serves in this military branch, and they are stationed here with their two children.

Laura Vanderwerf
A 23-year military spouse, this 2011 Military Spouse of the Year nominee has served on a respected support team for 12 years. Her husband serves in this military branch, and they are stationed here.

Robert Duncan
The first-ever male nominee for Military Spouse of the Year  he is one of the men that makes up only 7% of military spouses. He lends support to other spouses when his wife is deployed. His wife serves in this military branch, and they are stationed here with their son.

Crystal Cavalier
This self-described military brat and 2011 Military Spouse of the Year nominee saw her husband through some dark days and used what she learned to reach out to military families dealing with post-traumatic stress. Her husband serves in this military branch, and they are stationed here with their three children.

Wendy D. Peterson
A mother of four who struggled in her role as a military spouse, Wendy  wrote a book to help other military families with their unique situation. 

Bonnie Carroll
The possibility of tragedy is a reality for military spouses and families. When Bonnie Carroll lost her husband in 1992, she channeled her personal grief into a program to help other spouses and families. Honored with this award in 2009, Bonnie continues to advocate for military families.

Allen Hughes
A new TV show is putting a heartwarming touch on military spouse and family reunions. Soldier Allen Hughes was recently featured surprising his family at his daughter's music concert. They had thought he was on a ship.

Dan Riley
In October 2010, military spouse Tonya Riley got an amazing gift, aided by a pro ball team. Her soldier husband surprised her and her three boys on a very special day.

Phil Packer
What's that famous saying about lemons? Soldier Phil Packer was told he would never walk again, and then completed the London Marathon. His military spouse awaited him at the finish line with throngs of well-wishers.



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