Star of TV show "Police Fashion Kelly Osbourne began to meet with artist and photographer Anton Lombardi. They have long been friends. Familiar presenter were sold on the news. Kelly was first found love after the bitter break-up with her fiance Luke Uorrelom last year.

"Kelly and Anton for a long time to know each other, - told the New York Post newspaper buddy star. - But their relationship became more serious only a week ago in New York. It was so natural and at ease! Now they went together in Los Angeles. Friends Kelly is very happy for them. Anton - a very nice and talented guy. "

After the break with Luke Kelly briefly dated a musician Rob Damiani. And Anton have seen her holding hands in New York this week.

After the break with Luke Kelly felt completely devastated. But recently, she said that trying to forget everything and move on. But more recently, she scolded Luke on Twitter, on which the light stands. She does not stint on the unflattering epithets, and "gigolo" - the mildest of them.

"Crowds of people saw my rage against the former on Twitter after Christmas -" Kelly said. - This was the last time you caught me talk about personal relationships in the press. This lesson dalsya me very hard! I'm glad this year - I'll engines onwards and upwards! "


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