Katy Perry have had no childhood
Perry believes that because of strict Christian upbringing she "had no childhood. "
Singer Katy Perry was born in a family of evangelical Christians, her parents were missionaries of the church. They have not read it any books except the Bible, and not allowed to listen to any music other than religious. All this is very much influenced by Kathy.
26-year-old Katie admits that her relationship with her parents constantly evolving, and gradually they learn to take more views of each other.

"I think that sometimes parents grow together with their children - told Katie. - My parents have evolved along with me. We will peacefully coexist. I'm not trying to change them and do not think they are trying to re-educate me. In some ways, we agree, somewhat disagree. They are happy to my success. They are happy that the lives of all three children will be successful, that we are not in prison, and did not take drugs. "

Katie, in which the left wrist is a tattoo with the name of Jesus, said that as a child asked many questions about faith.

"I was always a kid who asks the question" Why? "- She explains. - In my denomination faith is something taken for granted. But I always ask: "Why?" From this point of view, I do wanderer, I'm open, and other opportunities. My soul is like a huge and wide sponge. I absorb everything, and constantly expanding my horizons. "


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