I know, no one who ascends on foot at the 18 th floor, breakfast prefer to exercise, but as a reward for a shock five-kilometer training pamper yourself crosscourt. Unsportsmanlike, in general, people. But after the interview with our heroes had happened to me strange. I finished writing this article before class on capoeira ...
Eugene Bobryshev (23), motorcycle racer, and 
Helen Smith (23), PR-manager Evgeniyaznakomy 4 years, together for 4 years
Common Cause: Motorsports
Jack: "I am in motocross at age 7. We can say, continued the family business: my grandfather and father were engaged in this sport. The Pope stood at the origins of the race track in Kaluga. In short, without a motorcycle I can not imagine. Training and racing (tournaments are held every weekend) - the meaning of my life. Nevertheless, we are not acquainted with Lena at a sporting event, and a nightclub. Danced, exchanged phone numbers, have agreed not to lose sight of each other ... "
Lena: "Now Jack - titled athlete: a five-time Russian champion in motocross, the champion of Russia on the highway-ring races, champion of the British MX1 Motocross. But at the moment we met all the laurels were ahead. However, in the hometown Kondrovo knew him, and at that time. But at first I did not attach importance to the fact that my new friend - the namesake of the popular in our area rider. But when we phoned, Jack mentioned that tomorrow is leaving the competition. And here before me "has come"! I decided to arrange a surprise for him: to arrive at the competition. Picked for courage and her friend went out Kondrovo in Serpukhov. Departed at 4 am, get to ride to. But it was worth it: I got great pleasure from watching the race! "
Jack: "I was pleasantly surprised: do not expect that Lena, with whom we do not really know were coming to get me sick. And so happy when there who share the victory. We returned home together. "
Lena: "Very soon, motorcycling has become part of my life. Initially, though, I went with Eugene to compete only at weekends. And on weekdays, studied and worked, but I could not wait for weekends! The atmosphere of racing - just amazing. The mass of emotions: excitement, competitive spirit, a sense of pride in his young man and the sweet taste of victory! To be more with the beloved, I even found a job with a flexible schedule ... In general, while Jack played at the Russian tournament, the complexities were not. But along with the skill and recognition began to come offers to train abroad. He moved to Belgium, and we began to see just once a quarter. Stretched in this regime and a half years until he decided: Overall, I am moving. Now we live together. "
Jack: "In a year I have only a few weeks of rest. At this time we have Lena come back to Russia. But here we can not stay in place: be sure to think of something, the days are active. But frankly, all the while looking forward to starting a new sports season ... "
Lena: "... Just count the days! Live with a professional athlete is not easy, everyday life painted by the minute: gym, swimming pool, the first training on the track, pause, the second training, and more stringent regime and diet. I loved doing with fitness, swimming, leading farm and do the cooking, pre-figured the ratio of protein and carbohydrates. And at the weekend - the competition, each time a new city, new country. But the other life and I have no idea. "

Anna Ershov (22), tracer, and 
Vitaly Potapov (23), povarznakomy 1 year, 6 months, together
Common Cause: parkour
Anya: "I learned about parkour two years ago. Accidentally came across on the Internet article "about the art of movement and overcoming obstacles." It became interesting. At first he studied links and videos, and then plucked up courage and went to meet with traceurs. Some time passed and the world of parkour became my family. "
Vitaly: "I'm in this sport for 7 years. He was fond of karate, swimming, football, skiing and mountain biking - all liked it, but felt that not one hundred percent mine. And once watched a movie about Parkour, and clicked: here it is! What you need! I bought a magazine with tips for beginners and addresses training grounds. People whitefish from the rooftops, parapets and walls in Moscow not so much. Because our meeting with Anya was a matter of time. (Smiles) Do you want to be honest? I loved it from day one. Yes, and friends tracers noticed my excitement when I watched her jumps. Very worried! "
Anya: "I certainly saw that Vitali looked at me with interest, but the first step did not. Once I had jammed the door to the apartment, and just then he called. Learned about what happened and offered to help. Help did not work, but the hours that we pass the pending master, became a turning ... By the way, parkour is not only our shared hobby. Recently, we have taken a great interest in the climbing gym workouts! "
Vitaly: "As more experienced, I always suggest Ana, the best way to jump, fear it difficult trick, but never discourage. Because parkour - is not just a sport but a lifestyle. There are no insurmountable obstacles, there is a problem, and only depends on you implement it. First you need to consider a technique scroll in his head every move (and, more importantly, the consequences), and only then make a breakthrough. In such a dangerous sport girl - a rarity. But do not be Parkour, we would not have found each other. And now friends, "infected" We Rowe jumping - jumping from a bridge by a rope. At first it was scary, but now we jump on a regular basis. Adrenaline, even bigger than Parkour. But you know what's interesting? When we are not feeling the legs, back home, thinking only one thing: tomorrow we are waiting for new thrills. "
Anya: "We both talked a lot about extreme sports ... It may seem that important to us only momentary experiences. But it is not so! Parkour and other extreme sports have given us confidence in themselves and their forces have helped to find friends. We often travel around the country to participate in amateur competitions and just socialize with like-minded people. New facilities, new point - there will always be how to jump. But we care about security! Dumb stunts did not commit. And remind newcomers: It is important not only not afraid of obstacles, but a sober assessment of their skills and capabilities. "
Vitaly: "Our days are always painted: training, events, meetings with the same crazy. Although, if summoned to the skating rink - with pleasure, to ride a snowboard - easily. We can easily agree on the all-new interviews Cosmo - confirmation of this. For us the main thing - movement and drive. "

Alexander Akimov (22), an editor at the radio, and 
Alexey Akimov (24), engineer of the nonlinear montazhaznakomy 5 years old, married for 7 months
Common Cause: snowboarding, kite surfing and wakeboarding
Sasha: "It all started back in college, with coursework in chemistry: common friends were asked to help Lesha, students of other faculties. I refused. But the course did not stop, I additionally work out with him several times. Through these lessons we have even for some time been in the same company, went to concerts together. And then three years lost ... "
Lesch: "... While I did not call and did not congratulate Sasha New Year. At the same time asked, what are your plans for the holidays, she replied: "I will ride on a snowboard." - "And teach me?" - "Yes." That is how we have resumed dialogue. "
Sasha: "How many can remember, never sat on the ground: ride a skateboard, bicycle, Dancing, swimming, playing volleyball. At the 4 th year embarked on a snowboard and was fascinated so much that has to ride almost every day. Here in this moment and called Lesch.
Lesch: "It is the second of January we had given up in the suburban" Stepanovo. A disciple of me came out good, very soon rode better than Sasha. We began to spend all my free time on the mountain slopes, so this has happened between us, "chemistry". Later visited the Elbrus and Cheget - it's hard to describe in words the emotions when you go down from the mountaintops. Adrenaline just rolls over. And last summer I am longing for snow, invited Sasha to learn kite surfing on Lake Senezh. And when the fair wind has set in motion a kite, we both realized - now and in the summer will keep you busy! "
Sasha: "When you can not get out of the lake, we are happy to ride a bike, go hiking, running through the woods. Plus rollers, skate, and the recent craze - extreme driving. In short, we are always in motion - the only change is the mode or form of transport. This is our recipe for marital happiness: the main thing - do not sit still. "
Lesch: "In the past 8 March I made a favorite proposal. Creative wedding arranged by his own script. Well, we had fun! (Laughs.) Rest went to Sochi - but, understandably, do not lie on the beach! Riding on the boat, climbed into the mountains. Mastered wakeboarding - is when a person is not just for the boat rides on the board, but also to perform tricks. In general, we have a passion for all seasons, any weather.


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