Igor Zivanovich spent years of his life to study and learn how to take pictures of beetles and praying mantis. "I've always been fascinated by insects since childhood,"he says. "We can say that I sort of mediator between the world of insects and humans. I think praying mantises are very stylish. They are strange, but it's great! ".

In this selection macro mantises and beetles Igor Zivanovicha.

1. It seems that this mantis is dancing. Photo taken by Igor Zivanovichem in his studio in Munich, Germany.
2. In the photo: zmeegolovnik dragonhead eumegalodon.
3.Na pictures: Malaysia's mantissa.
4. Besides the usual difficulties macro, Igor must consider the temperament of their "models". "Animals are unpredictable and difficult to work with them, they can not get to do what you need. You can only try to fool them. For most insects easier to approach early in the morning when the air temperature is low and they are still poorly responsive to what is happening. "In the photo: A giant praying mantis timber.
5. Igor says he is inspired by paintings of Swiss artist Hans Giger
6. Beetle slepnyak.
7. South American mantis.

8. Mantis usual.
9. Mantis.

10. Malaysian orchideous mantis.

11. Flower mantis.
12. Praying mantis eating a fly.
13. Ostrogolovy mantis.

14. Grasshopper.

15. The biggest praying mantis in the world-Heterohaeta.
16. African mantis eats the beetle.
17. More African praying mantis in the studio of Igor in Munich, Germany.


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