The level of hormones in the body determines the condition of hair, skin and body. Moreover, even has an impact on our confidence in ourselves. In a few days of the cycle we seem currently unattractive and try not to agree to date. Down with hormonal slavery! Offer you the weekly plan, checking with whom you can be perfect every day.

First week: Time of the ICP
WHAT'S HAPPENING: These days you hardly force myself to move away from the refrigerator, and evenings on the couch - nowhere else does not like. Everything else on the face appear pimples and hair quickly become dirty. Blame It on the hormone progesterone, which comes into play just six days prior to menstruation. He is responsible for enhanced release of sebum, hence the sad state of the face and hair. Almost every girl is unhappy with their appearance in this period.
Cheat hormones. Erated care of your skin for a week before the expected menstruation. Even if a couple of pimples, do not worry! Twice a day - morning and evening - wipe the skin by means of acne, which include salicylic acid, which destroys bacteria and dissolves grease. And in order to prevent rapid contamination of the hair, use this time cleansing shampoo for frequent washing.

Masks. Best salvage tool at this stage - a pair of "tone + corrector". Foundation will help align the complexion, and proofreader cope with disguise problem areas. The result can be secured with crumbly powder. Corrector and the tone is better to apply with a brush, which should be regularly disinfected. And try once again face with her hands do not touch.

Some girls are committing an unforgivable error - stop using cream, thinking that once the skin and so fat, the extra moisture can aggravate her condition. In fact, during the ICP level of stress for the organism is highest. The skin lacks the fluid, and energy. Replace your usual day cream to the one that is designed for oily skin. Or at least before bedtime be clearly enriched moisturizing cream.
SECOND WEEK: Critical days
WHAT'S HAPPENING: The situation is improving, progesterone allocated less and less. But coming to the fore two issues - unpleasant traces of pimples on the face and body odor.
Atonement. It's time for delicate peeling: getting rid of all the excess, the skin becomes smoother, and its color - brighter. After the procedure, please use the toner with salicylic acid - it dry problem areas. Before going out on the street necessarily Apply a barrier cream with an SPF of at least 15.
Flavored. It is very unpleasant to realize, but during the month of the female body odor. Hygiene - primarily, but still use a cream or powder for the body with their favorite flavors. Take note: fruity-floral scents is very sensual, musky are strong aphrodisiacs, and vanilla unusually resistant.
THIRD WEEK: Ovulation

What happens: Due to estrogen level reaches its highest level over the cycle, your libido is at its peak, and you can experience the most vivid sense of closeness with loved ones. If you're lonely, it's time to win the men's hearts! You can easily seduce any embattled handsome. You are literally a magnet for men: hair shine, skin glows, her eyes burn - in general, all as a fairy tale.
Get ready for uninterrupted string of dates! Men without taking your eyes, and you perfectly understand why. Now you're the queen, not only externally but also the feelings. During ovulation, we feel confident, so ready to engage in spontaneous behavior and more willing to spend money for pleasure. Making of a spa weekend or go to favorite cosmetic store in search of a new lipstick.
Looker. Scientists have found that during the third week of the cycle, women unconsciously start to dress more sexy, the preference for short and tight clothes. The best addition to the mini will be a shimmering body lotion.

FOURTH WEEK: Postovulyatsiya
WHAT'S HAPPENING: Well, that period superprivlekatelnosti not infinite, otherwise you would have quickly tired of crowds of gentlemen and their courtship. Now we come to play the hormones testosterone and progesterone, check the fluid in the body. Their level is still low, and it's time to start the battle with the impending symptoms of PMS.
Fight with the discomfort (question of digestion). Unfortunately, bloating and feeling of heaviness can not be avoided. Think about proper nutrition, drink water and green tea. Switch to steamed vegetables and low-fat protein. Herbal teas can help bring the excess fluid from the body.
Take care of the person. Use the tools to face anti-acne, they contain antibacterial ingredients and ingredients that help prevent clogging of pores - then you need your skin right now.


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