Your Most Expensive Thanksgiving Meal: Food Costs Soar, Highest Jump in 20 Years

Activist Post

Thanksgiving is a time for families to come together and celebrate, but this year may be your most expensive Thanksgiving yet thanks to skyrocketing food costs and an overall increased demand for poultry. It now costs, on average, $49.20 to feed 10 individuals on Thanksgiving. Up $5.73 from last year according to the American Farm Bureau Federation, the cost is about 22 percent more expensive than it was last year.

Last year, a 16-pound Thanksgiving turkey was priced at $17.70. This year, the same bird costs an average of $21.60. The price rise signifies the highest jump in 20 years.

Due to the increased cost of delivery, rising food costs, and the overall handling of food, supermarkets and other food sellers are increasing prices across the board. In fact the difference in price does not only apply to the Thanksgiving turkey. The cost of many other food items also increased from last year, including milk and other popular Thanksgiving food items:

1 gallon of milk went up by 42 cents since last year to $3.66.
Pumpkin pie mix: up 41 cents to $3.03.
Whipping cream: up 26 cents to $1.96
Cubed stuffing: up 24 cents to $2.88
16-pound turkey: up $3.91 to $21.57
Green peas: up 24 cents to $1.68
Dozen rolls: up 18 cents to $2.30
Sweet potatoes: up 7 cents to $3.26
Fresh cranberries: up 7 cents to $2.48
Pie shells: up 6 cents to $2.52
Misc. ingredients: up 12 cents to $3.10
Relish tray: down 1 cent to $0.76
Total: up $5.73 to $49.20

The rising price of food and the effects on the global economy

As food prices hit an all time high, violent protests have arisen in parts of the Middle East and South Asia. In 2008, similar protests were held across the world in response to the high cost of basic living. The difference, however, is that food prices are even higher than they were in 2008. Graphs, provided by the Food and Agricultural Organizations of the United Nations (FAO), show the spiking cost of food commodities. The food index count, which is an overall score reflecting the total price of the top 6 food commodities, rose to 215 in December of 2010 — up from 90 in the year 2000. Sugar spearheaded the spike, hitting only 2 points away from the 400 mark in December of 2010.

Thanksgiving is a time for family celebration, though it may also be a reminder to stock up on storeable foods and remove yourself from the grid and subsequent dependence upon supermarkets and the food industry. As prices continue to climb, it is increasingly more important to become self-sufficient.


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