Unfriended woman arrested, cops say
Police say Jennifer Harris, 30, was arrested after she was unfriended on Facebook  police say she did to get arrested,unfriended facebook burned down home. Harris' former friend, Nikki Rasmussen, says the pair had a fight about failed party facebook unfriend arson and Harris began posting horrible things about her. Rasmussen says she unfriended her to avoid seeing what she was posting.A 30-year-old woman is in jail on charges she allegedly burned her friend's house down after the woman "unfriended" her on Facebook, reports the Des Moines Register.

Jennifer Christine Harris, an elementary school teaching associate, was charged with first degree arson and is being held in the Polk County Jail on $100,000 bond.

The fire reportedly broke out around 1 a.m. on Oct. 27. People were asleep inside the house but everyone was able to escape. The home was damaged and a detached garage destroyed in the blaze.

According to the Register, Harris had been close friends with one of the inhabitants, Nikki Rasumssen, until they began fighting recently over comments Harris allegedly made about Rasmussen on Facebook. Rasmussen responded by unfriending and blocking Harris on Facebook.

After the fire, when police asked Rasmussen and her husband if there was anyone who would want to harm their family the couple mentioned Harris, reports the Register.

Now, Harris has reportedly been placed on unpaid leave from her job.


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