Mom locked teen in closet, cops say
Police say they arrested a mother for allegedly locking her 13-year-old daughter in a closet mother locked girl in closet 6 hours the girl allegedly in there. The mother, whose name was withheld, is also accused of hitting the girl with a stick, police say girl locked closet stick bad grades.Mother locked girl in closet for 6 hours over bad grades. A Costa Mesa woman is accused of hitting her daughter and locking her in a closet because the child earned bad grades, according to court records.
The 32-year-old woman is charged with one misdemeanor count of child abuse, Costa Mesa police told the Daily Pilot, which has decided not to name the mother to protect the identity of her daughter, a minor.

Authorities alleged that on Oct. 29 the mother hit her 13-year-old daughter three times with a stick and then locked her in a closet for six hours as punishment for "bad" grades, said Costa Mesa Police Sgt. Phil Myers. girl locked in closet grades, girl locked closet stick bad grades, mother locked girl in closet 6 hours

He did not know the grades the girl earned.

A concerned party called police after the incident, he said.

Police arrested the woman within a couple of hours of the report. She was in custody at Orange County Jail until early Monday morning, when she posted bail and was released, according to Orange County Sheriff's Department records.


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