Kris Jenner Explains Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries Minnesota Reunion
In Kim Kardashian's case, this meant a visit to the Midwest to hash things out face-to-face with future ex-husband Kris Humphries. Kris Jenner explained that her daughter, 31, just "really needed to talk to him!" Kim is a hopeless romantic. So she wants the fairy tale. She wanted to get married and have babies and raise a family and the white picket fence and all that comes with that," Jenner, 56, told Extra on Monday. "She's a really good person with a huge heart."

"Whatever decisions Kim is making right now, she's a very smart girl and she's gonna do the right thing," Jenner added. "All I can do is wrap my arms around her and make sure she's okay."Jenner admitted that when Kardashian filed for divorce last week after 72 days of marriage, it caught her by surprise. "It's not the ideal situation," she said. "It's not how I expected things to happen, for sure."But the Kardashian matriarch is keeping her cool and holding herself together for the sake of her six children. "They need me to be strong for them, so that they can show their emotions," she said. "[Kim] She needs to do what she's doing, and cry and figure it out."Jenner confirmed that Kardashian and Humphries, 26, met with their wedding pastor during the weekend heart-to-heart.


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