Interesting Facts About Champagne
The name of this wine (yes, champagne is sparkling wine) comes from the French province of Champagne, where vines have been cultivated even in the III century. Produced there fault had one very nasty tendency to the secondary fermentation in barrels, which sometimes explode, for the wine of Champagne called the "devil."

French Benedictine monk Pierre Perignon Otviler Abbey lived in the XVII century, invented to combine the juice of different grape varieties, and began pouring the wine into bottles with plugs from the bark of cork oak, which made it possible to keep carbon dioxide, previously blowing the barrel.
In 1800, the apothecary of François Chalons invented modern bottle, which takes into account the thickness and shape, not just the color of the glass.
Winemaker Victor Lambert developed in 1874, fermentation technology, which turns into lactic acid, tartaric. With this came Brut - very dry champagne, which soon became the most popular variety in the world.
According to the Madrid Agreement (1891), only sparkling wine produced in France in the Champagne region has the right to wear the patented name - "Champagne".
On the sugar content distinguish champagne: brut (0.3%), driest (0.8%), dry (3%), moist (5%), sweet (8%), sweet (10%).
Bottled champagne is on the label designation "aged."
The pressure in the bottle of champagne - about 6.3 kilograms per square centimeter (0.75 liter bottle, 0.63 MPa), which is approximately three times greater than in the automotive and tire pressures equal to about 6 at sea level.
Pressure depends on the size of the bottle, the more a bottle - the greater the pressure.
In an average bottle of champagne "contained" about 250 million bubbles.
It is believed that a glass of good champagne bubbles are formed within 10-20 hours after opening the bottle.
These glasses have a champagne inner walls with a microscopic layer of relief that the bubbles stick to the walls.
The tradition of pouring champagne contest winners Dan Gurney came up with the racer. It was he who in 1967, winning a series of racing in the hearts uncorked a bottle given to him and made a fountain out of the drink.
In 1965 «Piper-Heidsieck» created the biggest bottle of champagne in the world - 1 m 82 cm, an increase in accuracy with the American actor Rex Harrison. The bottle was designed to celebrate the "Oscars", obtained by Harrison for her role in "My Fair Lady."


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