Elderly man arrested for prostitution

Police in Iowa centerville iowa town arrested an elderly man 83-year-old arrested prostitution on charges of prostitution.  A woman claims Ben Clifford Dawson, who is a candidate for public office the position ben dawson centerville city council arrest offered to perform sex acts on her in exchange for repayment of a loan what did she say happened when she refused.ben dawson grabbing kissing neck.The Oakland County Sheriff's Office arrested a woman in Pontiac on a prostitution warrant Saturday after an elderly man she was with collapsed as they drove down Woodward Avenue and died.

The woman waved down a passerby to call 911 at 2:23 p.m. Saturday after the 72-year-old Pontiac man passed out at the wheel, according to a sheriff's office release about the incident.

The car stopped in the middle of Woodward near Whittemore, and the man was taken to Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital in Pontiac. Doctors pronounced him dead at 3:56 p.m., according to the department.

The man's body was taken to the Oakland County Medical Examiner's Office for an autopsy to determine the cause of death.

The woman told investigators the man picked her up at a home in Pontiac and had shortness of breath as they were having consensual sex at another Pontiac residence. But the man told her it was related to an asthmatic condition.

Investigators arrested the woman on an outstanding prostitution-related warrant unrelated to Saturday's incident and took her to the Oakland County Jail. Saturday's incident remains under investigation, according to the sheriff's office.


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