Boy helps police bust mom

Police say an 11-year-old Minnesota boy helped police bust his mom and stepfather for marijuana possession. 11-year-old boy fed up with marijuana smoke in home. The boy reportedly took photos of drugs and sent the photos to his biological father, who then alerted police. Heidi Siebenaler, 40, boy mom probation officer pot stash she has and her husband, Mark Siebenaler, 40, were charged with possessing eight pounds of marijuana.

Son Helps Bust Mom, Stepdad With 8 Pounds Of Pot,A concerned son helped lead police to his mother and stepfather’s home, where eight pounds of marijuana was being kept inside their master bedroom.

According to the criminal complaint, the son told his biological father about what he had seen and smelled in the Dakota County home owned by Heidi and Mark Siebenaler. He then took a picture of a Walmart bag that was full of a leafy green substance, which was turned over to police.

The son spoke to officers and said he often smells burnt marijuana smoke and is sometimes unable to escape the smell unless he goes outside. The son had complained to his mother about the smell of marijuana in the Ravenna Township house,
but Heidi Siebenaler told him that marijuana use is “not that bad.”

Dakota County Drug Task Force officers obtained a search warrant and found a large amount of marijuana, drug paraphernalia and a black scale inside the home.

Mark Siebenaler also led police to a marijuana grow location, which he admitted to starting.

Mark and Heidi Siebenaler face fifth-degree charges of aiding and abetting drugs. Mark also faces a second charge of aiding and abetting with the intent to sell.


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