Boy helps police bust mom – An 11-year-old voy helps the police bust his mom and stepfather for marijuana possession. The boy reportedly took photos of drugs and sent the photos to his biological father, who then alerted police. Heidi Siebenaler and her husband, Mark Siebenaler, both 40, were charged with possessing eight pounds of marijuana.

The 11-year-old boy was fed up with marijuana smoke in his home that he helped authorities bust his mom, being a probation officer with a pot stash, and stepfather after following a report.

The young son took photos of the drugs and handed them over to detectives.

Drug agents served a search warrant on their home in Ravenna Township near Hastings, last month and arrested Siebenalers. Both face charges in the case.

A criminal complaint says the boy told investigators he had complained numerous times to his mom about the marijuana smell. He finally took the matter to his biological father who told him to take pictures of the marijuana. The father then forwarded the photos to authorities.

Heidi Siebenaler told KMSP-TV that her husband smokes marijuana for medicinal purposes.


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