Adolf Hitler parents lose fourth child,The New Jersey parents who were thrust into the national spotlight for naming their son Adolf Hitler lost custody of their newest baby boy just hours after he was delivered, the family said.

Heath and Deborah Campbell told the Lehigh Valley's Express-Times that child welfare agents took their son, Hons Campbell, at around 6:50 p.m. on Thursday after the doctor who delivered him called the New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services.

Baby Hons was born at around 2 a.m. Thursday after the doctor induced labor on Wednesday evening, the newspaper reported.

Heath Campbell said he doesn't know why the agency took his baby boy.

"There's no legal binding court order," Campbell said. "It's basically a kidnapping, but they use different terms."

The agency told the Expess-Times that they are prohibited by law from commenting on specific cases.

Little Adolf Hitler, 5, along with his sisters, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie, were taken into custody in 2009.

An appeals court last year ruled that parents would not regain custody because both suffered from unspecified physical and psychological disabilities that put the children at serious risk.


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