13 Myths About Mega Brands

13 truthful and not the stories associated with different brands and giving it a certain brand of human history.
The year of: 1886
Founders: John Stith Pemberton (inventor) and Asa Griggs Candler

Recipe of the addictive beverage in the world now 126 years are kept secret not only from competitors and authorized officials, but also from the manufacturer. Of the 139 900 (as of 2010) employees the best kept secret "Coca-Cola", according to rumors, he knows no more than a dozen people. Conspiracy excites the imagination: the public is haunted by the question, as the company comes from the cocaine contained in the leaves of coca? The manufacturer swears that the leaves are thoroughly cleaned from the drug, but Internet users for sure know that corporations can not be trusted! And it's not all. Competitors looking for answer to the mystery in the archives of libraries (as if in 1979 the year of the full composition of the drink was published in an American newspaper), the muftis of South Africa debate, can we consider soda halal (verdict - to consider).
Year established: 1976
Founders: Steve Jobs, Steve and Ronald Wayne Voznyak

Logo of Apple - the most brilliant inventions of the company. In it - the joy and inspiration, and Christian allusions, and fetish violations of prohibitions, and setting of the taste attitude to life, and the anthem audacity of scientific knowledge, courtesy and paradoxical nature's bounty, ready at the right moment to drop the right apple for the right light head. Finally, with the logo, according to rumors, is unprecedented in human history of dramatic force. In 1954, the year of the idol of Jobs and Wozniak, the father of artificial intelligence, Alan Turing committed suicide by cyanide poisoning bite the apple (do not stand the harassment from the community related to his homosexuality). This heroic, almost ancient myth about the desperate revolt against the lone bright gray system is the best lay in the general plot outline firm Apple, whose chairman believed that the brand must be a narrative. According to another legend, the apple logo appeared on the company, when dissatisfied with Jobs at the next meeting threatened their marketers call the company that the first thing that will fall under his arm. Both versions are beautiful, but far from the truth: in fact, the logo has been created yet inspired by the famous picnic of Isaac Newton. In the first sketch of an apple logo did not even see - but clearly that some English gentleman sitting under a tree and something diligently displays in a notebook. By the way, it's time to replace it on the iPad.

Procter & Gamble and Levi's
According to legend, a quarter of a century ago, Procter & Gamble faced with the problem of stagnant sales. Marketers have the task: making customers less likely to use dry cleaning and wash more often homemade powder. Was drawn sketch of the wanted user - it was an office employee, five days a week, forced to wear a business suit, but the weekend was relieved dress in jeans and other casual. Jeans, of course, he washed the house, and an expensive suit trusted dry cleaner. Inspired by this discovery, Procter & Gamble, along with denim brand Levi's objectively funded an independent study that showed that men in loose fitting work more creative and endurance, and the costumes, however, provoke stress. The two companies have entered into its staffing practices casual fridays - free of the dress code of the day of the week - and through the media forced her entire business community. As a result, today 90% of U.S. employees every Friday, dress as it is convenient to P & G and Levi's.
Chupa Chups and Pirelli

The fact that the logo is painted Chupa Chups, Salvador Dali, is widely known. However, the demonstration of this knowledge always makes a person with a lollipop in his mouth is very mysterious and interesting. Associate your brand with a mass or elite culture - the dream of every marketer. Six months ago, the famous British artist Banksy to decorate an ordinary bully inscription Parking, parking, common to advertise to the whole UK. But usually the masters of culture for such assistance, alas, have to pay. Tire manufacturer Pirelli, for example, from 1964 produces an annual calendar with images of the most beautiful women in the world, made the most sought after photographers of the industry. Unlike thousands of other corporate calendars with girls, this is exposed in museums. For half a century has nothing to do with automobile tires has become a major marketing initiative legendary company, playing a role in the elite status of the brand. This writer once naively tried to buy the Pirelli calendar in a street kiosk in Sicily. The seller laughed and explained that the print run is about a thousand copies, is distributed exclusively among the mighty of this world, and on online auction sites is just like a set of winter tires. In fact, a bit cheaper, but the meaning of the fable is clear.
John Hancock Insurance

One of the largest insurance organizations in the USA, brand management which has long been engaged in the said David d'Alessandro. Since 1862 the company logo - the legendary signature, sweeping movement posed a politician, a patriot John Hancock to the Declaration of Independence. Why autograph was so great, nobody really knows. Perhaps Hancock suffered narcissism may have wanted to make fun of short-sighted King of England. In any case, his signature has become a symbol of American intrepid coolness. Not having anything to do with the hero of the revolution insurance company privatized this legend, securing branding even in school history textbooks. And David d'Alessandro came up with a test mission for brand-new marketing firm. When hiring brand managers asked to come up with the company for a more modern logo. It was a test for lice. Correct answer: "There is no need to change your logo, sir!"
Uncle Ben's and Aunt Jemima

In the southern states of America there was a tradition to call older blacks (then better known as negros) "uncles" and "aunts". The tradition is reflected in the marketing campaigns makes Uncle Ben's (rice) and Aunt Jemima (syrup for pancakes), the peak of the advertising activity which took place in the postwar years. At that time, distinguished themselves in battle for their country blacks have gradually started to get not only declared, but the real rights and freedoms. On the other hand, not all white Americans agree with the new order. Good-natured Uncle Ben and Aunt Djamin liked everything: their images simultaneously radiated friendliness and allowed nostalgia to XIX century. Not surprisingly, both brands carefully untwisted the legend of the real life of his characters. Uncle Ben, such as a house servant, known for his recipes rice dishes. How to feel more confident African-Americans, the steeper the developing career of the character. In the latest ad campaigns he was no longer a servant, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors. That's what hard work and loyalty mean.
And 7 More Advertising Myths 
Mythology Lacoste invented himself as a joke Woody Allen. The hero of one of his stories had complained to the Lord, that great white sports shirt, which he sews, sold very badly - while the case at bar rivals the mountain. One day God was tired of whining to the shopkeeper and gave a brief business advice: "Our crocodile. You will not regret. "
The legend of how the company got its name - the parable of the best partnership, passion, ambition and generosity of the history of the business. When deciding whose name will be the first, William Hewlett and Dave Packard tossed a coin allegedly. He won like a Packard, who selflessly and generously ceded the right to be the first to his friend Hewlett Foundation.
Lucky Strike
Name brand cigarettes Lucky Strike (a variant of the translation - 'Successful strike ") - the result is that a successful strike: while factory workers rioted, Tobacco lying idle for several days, and his taste has improved markedly.
Land Rover
Land Rover logo came when someone from the engineers forgot to figure the bank of sardines, which had a similar label design. Questionable myth: it is difficult to believe that someone dared to leave so much fatty food on the securities.
Red Bull
Despite the undeniable effect of bracing, Red Bull was originally sold catastrophically bad. Corporate legend, founder Dietrich Mateschitz marketed brand of unsold products at student parties - just to earn anything. But the clock tusuyuschayasya youth hooked on power engineering and still gives him a decent market dlyu.
Earl Grey
These fans love this kind of tea savor the story of an English earl (in our opinion - Earl) Grey, as ambassador to China saved the life of a farmer who told him to thank a unique recipe for tea with bergamot.
"Rollton" stood out, making the face of their brand traveler Fyodor Konyukhov, who - well, obviously the same - in his travels which noodles anyhow there will not be. Typically, such products segment celebrities do not work, and if working, then choose the singers and actors. "Rollton" put on human action, not words, and not lost. Fyodor Konyukhov may never took with him to Everest noodles. But many of nature without "Rollton" - a foot.


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