In our teen years we fantasized about the hunky dream date, but now it’s all about the mom friends. Which celebrity mom do you want to kick back with while you watch your kids destroy your living room? Angelina Jolie? Kate Hudson? “Teen Mom” Amber Portwood? (In which case, remind me to bring protective headgear to your playgroup.)
For me, it’s Tina Fey. How can you not love the creator of “Mom Jeans”? She takes the hard truths of motherhood and makes them hilarious. And somehow, despite her celebrity, she manages to seem like one of us – frequently flustered, often overworked, but just trying to do the best she can. In her new book, “Bossypants,” she offers the following advice for ways moms can carve out some of that “me time” we’re always hearing about:

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